Joy exhibition by Art Saint Louis at Barnes and Jewish Hosptital, Saint Louis, MO: 2-11-2015 to 6-11-2015.
Ann Metzger Memorial National Exhibition at Saint Louis Artists' guild & Galleries 11-21-2013 to 1-4-2015. Juried exhibition (Guest Juror - Rusty Freeman) Selected and displayed work: 'Untitled.'
Saint Louis Artists' guild & Galleries Photo OP, a juried group exhibition of photography (digital or analog) and artwork incorporating photographic imagery. Juror Daniel Farnum (Professor of Photography, University of Missouri at Columbia) January 18 to March 17, 2013
Ann Metzger Memorial National Exhibition at Saint Louis Artists' guild & Galleries 6-17-2012 to 8-11-2012. Juried exhibition (Guest Juror - Marla Prather) Selected and displayed work: 'Lunch Break.'
RAC in Saint Louis: selected photographs from 'Life of Light' series: May 11 to August 30, 2012. Seleceted photographs are on indefinite display in RAC 3rd floor.
Washington University Medical School Art Show at FLTC: January 2010
Washington University Medical School Art Show at FLTC: January 2009
Washington University Medical School Art Show at FLTC: January 2008
Washington University Medical School Art Show at FLTC: January 2007
Photographic & Artistic Societies
Former board member of ArtDimension
Former member of Photographic Society Of North America
Former member of Saint Louis Camera Club SLCC